An Bord Pleanála refuses approval of Headford Road social housing

Galway Daily news An Bord Pleanála refuses approval of Headford Road social housing

An Bord Pleanála has refused approval for a social housing and traveller accommodation development on the Headford Road.

The city council sought approval for a social housing apartment complex, and Traveller Accommodation units, on a site in Ballinfoyle.

The plans were for a three storey apartment building, with rooftop solar panels, and three Traveller Accommodation homes.

The apartment building was to contain a total of 21 units, with three one-bedroom apartments, 14 two-bedroom units, and 4 three-bedroom units.

Each of the Traveller Accommodation units was to be a two storey building, with four bedrooms apiece.

An Bord Pleanála refused planning permission for the development, despite the land being zoned residential, as it would be overly car dependent.

The board said that “peripheral location, the lack of adequate, safe pedestrian and cycle linkages, and adequate bus connections within the built up area of the city,” would leave residents dependent on cars.

The Board also stated that the lack of alternative travel options would be against national, regional, and local policy on “compact growth and sustainable mobility”.

“The proposed development would, therefore, be contrary to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.”