Planning application for westside Primary Care Centre expected this year

Galway Daily news Plans submitted for new Galway City Primary Care Centre

A planning application for a primary care centre on the Seamus Quirke Road is expected to be lodged in the first half of this year.

Councillor Martina O’Connor submitted a question on the progress made to date on delivering this primary care centre for the Regional Health Forum meeting this week.

Joe Hoare, Assistant National Director of Estates at the HSE, said that they are currently engaging with the successful bidder on proposals to deliver the centre.

“The HSE has been reviewing its overall accommodation requirements which
have increased,” his written answer said.

“The current proposed transaction was approved by the HSE Board at the board meeting on January 28, 2022 last.”

“Further engagement between the HSE and the developer in respect of the scheme design is planned over the coming months.”

It is the intention of the HSE and bidder that a planning application for the medical centre would be made around the end of Q2 this year.