Visiting restricted at UHG due to flu and Covid outbreaks


University Hospital Galway has introduces visiting restrictions due to outbreaks of flu and COVID-19 at the hospital.

UHG said today that it is dealing with a flu outbreak on one ward and a COVID-19 outbreak on two wards.

Visiting to the affected wards will be allowed on compassionate grounds, on an exceptional basis only.

To arrange a visit on compassionate grounds, the hospital has urged people to contact the ward manager in advance.

The public are asked to reduce attendance in an effort to prevent the spread of the flu in the hospital and protect the many very sick patients.

“We are appealing to people to extend their COVID-19 vigilance to the flu,” said Chris Kane, General Manager of GUH.

“If people have symptoms of flu, we are asking that they do not visit the hospital.  Testing negative for Covid does not mean you don’t have flu.

“While we know that this may be challenging for patients and their families, our priority must be protecting our patients many of whom are very ill and for whom the flu would be very serious.”

Anyone carrying the flu virus can spread it for 1-2 days before developing symptoms and up to 5 days after symptoms develop.

Flu is more severe in people aged 65 years and over, pregnant women, and anyone with a long-term medical condition.