Updated visiting hours at Portiuncula Hospital

Galway Daily news Portiuncula Hospital reports high flu circulation

Portiuncula University Hospital has updated its visiting times today, with people now able to access the hospital between 2pm to 4pm and from 6pm to 8pm.

Visits are limited to one person per patient per day, and visitors have been asked to keep the time they spend in the hospital as short as possible.

Hospital Manager James Keane said that they must take every precaution to help prevent the introduction or spread of Covid at the hospital.

“We ask that visitors wear a mask in all areas of the hospital at all times and practice good hand hygiene regularly during their time in the hospital,” he said. 

“The number of patients with COVID-19 in hospital continues to remain high and we are asking people who are intending to visit their loved ones in hospital to please delay visiting if they have any symptoms of COVID-19 such as a temperature, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat or headache. Please do not visit until you are at least 48 hours symptom-free.”

Access for visitors to outbreak wards is limited to compassionate grounds only, and these visits should be arranged in advance by calling the hospital and speaking with the nurse manager.

There are separate arrangements in place for access to the maternity department for nominated support partners.

James Keane thanked the public for their ongoing co-operation in ensuring they can have access for visitors safely to protect both patients and visitors.

Hospital Appointments

Those with an outpatient or other appointment at the hospital, have been told to come to the appointment unless they are contacted by a member of staff from the hospital and told otherwise.

However, if they have any COVID-19 symptoms, they should call the number on the appointment letter to rearrange the appointment.