UHG is Ireland’s second most overcrowded hospital today

Galway Daily news UHG overcrowding

UHG is the second most overcrowded hospital in the country today, with 32 patients admitted to the hospital who are without a bed.

Figures from the INMO show all 32 patients without a bed at University Hospital Galway are on trolleys in the Emergency Department.

The only hospital in a more serious condition than UHG today is University Hospital Limerick, where 43 patients are without a bed.

There are a further 14 patients at Portiuncula Hospital in Ballinasloe who are without a bed today, seven on trolleys in the ED, and seven in the wards.

In total, the INMO Trolley/Ward Watch shows that there are 369 patients in Ireland’s acute hospitals today who do not have beds.

The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisatsion has raised the alarm on hospital overcrowding rapidly climbing back to pre-pandemic levels.

This is happening at a time when hospitalisations due to COVID-19, and the pressure they put on hospital space, are still rising slowly but steadily.