UHG Emergency Department under major pressures after long weekend

Galway Daily news

The Emergency Department at University Hospital Galway is under extreme pressure today, with long waiting times and no beds available.

The Saolta Group issued a statement saying that the hospital is still extremely busy after the long bank holiday weekend, and advising people coming for non-urgent care to expect long waiting times.

On Monday alone 251 people attended the ED and University Hospital Galway throughout the day.

The INMO has also reported that there are 56 patients on trolleys at UHG this morning, of whom 44 are in the emergency department.

“The high number of people attending who need to be admitted for ongoing treatment means that there is pressure on bed availability,” the statement to Galway Daily said.

“This is resulting in significant delays being experienced by patients in the Emergency Department who are waiting for a bed to become available on a ward.”

“All available beds are in use. Every effort is being made to discharge patients who are ready to go home so that beds will become available for patients who need to be admitted, at the earliest opportunity.”

As a result of this overcrowding a number of elective day case and inpatient adult procedures at the hospital are being postponed to prioritise urgent care.

People whose procedures have been cancelled are being contacted directly, and outpatient appointments are continuing as normal.

“The hospital acknowledges that these delays are very difficult for patients and their families and apologises for the inconvenience and distress these delays cause.”

“We continue to request that people consider other options for non-emergency care such as the Roscommon Injury Unit, Out of Hours GP and pharmacies before attending an ED.”