State of the art surgical theatre opens at Galway University Hospitals


A mew state of the art surgical theatre has opened at Galway University Hospitals to better carry put complex vascular surgery.

This Hybrid Endovascular Theatre can be used for the treatment of complex vascular conditions such as aortic aneurysms and chronic limb threatening ischaemia.

The new theatre contains high specification imaging equipment which provides superior quality images and a large field-of-view to the surgical team.

This allows the surgical team to cleary see even the smallest blood vessels and devices during a procedure, even in motion.

The surgeon can plan, implement and confirm the success of the surgical procedure before the patient leaves the theatre.

Ms Chris Kane, General Manager of Galway University Hospitals added, “As the level 4 hospital within the Saolta University Health Care Group we treat patients from a large geographical area along the West and North West coast.”

“The development of a new theatre for specialised vascular surgery here in Galway enables our patients to benefit from new technology in order to improve their health outcomes and is an example of innovation to deliver enhanced patient-centred care.”

Professor Stewart Walsh, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, said that he was delighted to be part of the team that brought this surgical theatre to Galway.

He added that it will allow for open and key-hole surgeries to take place, with the capacity for up to 500 surgeries a year.

The hybrid system means that less radiation and X-ray dye will be needed in key-hole surgeries, reducing the risk of liver amd kidney damage.

“It is a huge step forward for vascular patients in the West of Ireland,” Professor Walsh enthused.

The vascular unit at Galway University Hospitals handles surgeries referred from across the Saolta Hospital Group, an area covering approximately 800,000 people.

It utilises a ‘hub and spoke’ model for outpatients and venous interventions, providing clinics and day theatre sessions in Roscommon University Hospital, Sligo, and Merlin Park.