Staff at University Hospital Galway tested for Covid-19 antibodies today

galway daily uhg antibodies covid-19

Staff at University Hospital Galway have been getting blood tests today to determine whether they have COVID-19 antibodies.

The tests are part of a national study looking at the rates of previous COVID-19 infections in healthcare workers.

Staff at St James’s Hospital in Dublin are also participating in the PRECISE study which will be repeated in six months’ time, when the results from both studies will be compared.

Members of the PRECISE Study Team and staff from the Infectious Diseases Department at University Hospital Galway (UHG) who are carrying out the study into the rates of previous COVID-19 infections in healthcare workers in UHG.


Dr Catherine Fleming, Consultant in Infectious Diseases at University Hospital Galway (UHG) and site lead for the PRECISE Study with Nicola Boyle, Clinical Nurse Specialist. The PRECISE study is looking at rates of previous COVID-19 infections in healthcare workers in UHG and St James’s Hospital.