Severe overcrowding at UHG today with 63 people on trolleys

Galway Daily news

University Hospital Galway is the second most overcrowded hospital in the State today, marginally behind University Hospital Limerick (UHL).

Sixty-three patients are on trolleys at UHG today, just ten less than UHL which has been the worst affected hospital in the country for some time.

Portiuncula Hospital in Ballinasloe has a further nine people awaiting a bed today.

Nationally, 432 people are on trolleys today according to the latest Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO) data.

General secretary of the INMO Phil Ní Sheaghdha said this week that there has not been a day since June 3rd where there has been less than 400 people on trolleys.

She said that this is ‘completely unacceptable’ at a time of year when overcrowding traditionally eases off.

“It is impossible for our members to provide safe care when we are seeing huge numbers without beds in our hospitals coupled with high numbers of COVID hospitalisations.

“The Government must take certain steps to stem the worst of this crisis before the Dáil goes into recess later this week.”

UHG has 47 confirmed cases of Covid-19, with two cases receiving intensive care.