Serious concerns about GP shortage in Headford area

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County Councillor Andrew Reddington has said that the current doctor shortage in the Headford area is of “serious concern for many” in the area.

He called on government to establish a scheme to entice doctors to small towns such as Headford, saying it is difficult for a doctor to set up a practice in rural areas.

The Fine Gael councillor said that one in seven working GPs were over 65, meaning many were retiring — while others were leaving rural general practice due to various challenges.

The situation is becoming “a self-perpetuating downward spiral”, he said, as working in particular areas is “unattractive” due to the expected workload.

Cllr Reddington has organised a meeting with Chief Officer for Community Healthcare West Breda Crehan Roche regarding the retirement of her GP position.

The HSE has confirmed that her position has been advertised and interviews will be held in the coming weeks, if eligible applications are received for the position.

While this may come as a relief for many patients, Cllr Reddington said we have to wait until the interview process is complete before we know where the new doctor will be based.

“I am hopeful that her position will be filled, but this cannot be guaranteed,” he said.