New Surgical Hub in Galway City will “significantly reduce waiting lists”

galway daily news new surgical hub galwaycity guh

The Saolta University Health Care Group and Galway University Hospitals have welcomed the progress in developing a new surgical hub in Galway City.

The hub, on the grounds of Merlin Park University Hospital, will provide a significant uplift in surgical capacity for the region.

It will reduce waiting times for day case procedures by significantly increasing the capacity for elective day case surgery in a dedicated facility.

The three-storey surgical hub will consist of four operating theatres (two of which will be commissioned initially), each with scrub room, prep room, anaesthetic room, dirty utility room.

It will also provide two minor procedure rooms, a pre-assessment area, pre-op preparation area, a reception and waiting area, a recovery area and discharge lounge.

The hub will allow greater access to a range of specialities including dermatology, ENT, Ophthalmology, Oral and Maxillofacial, plastics, urology, vascular and gynaecology.

The Surgical Hub will provide regional capacity across Saolta, under the governance of University Hospital Galway surgical/perioperative directorate as the local Model 4 Hospital.

Welcoming the progress, Tony Canavan, CEO of the Saolta Group, said getting the green light to progress the build was extremely significant.

“This surgical hub is a significant step forward in our plans to develop more capacity for the entire region. We have a vision for our health services which will lead to better health outcomes for our communities,” he added.

Ann Cosgrove, Chief Operations Office with Saolta, said: “This surgical hub represents a vital and priority expansion of surgical facilities at a regional level.

“This designated standalone day case facility will enable the Saolta Group to significantly reduce its waiting lists. It will ensure that all elective care is scheduled and not impacted by emergency or acute patients from across the Saolta region.”

In granting planning permission for the hub, Galway City Council has also granted the provision of a new bus stop to be located adjacent to the proposed development along with 108 car-parking spaces which will further improve patient experience.

Construction of the Surgical Hub in Galway is due to commence later this year and is due to be operational in early 2025. A tender process has now commenced.

The development is compatible with the short, medium and long term plans for the Merlin Park site.

It will also help reduce congestion on the UHG site to deal with unscheduled care activity and inpatient scheduled care.