HSE Chief Paul Reid visits healthcare services across Galway

Galway Daily news HSE Chief Paul Reid visits healthcare services across Galway

HSE Chief Executive Paul Reid visited healthcare services in Ballinasloe, Tuam, and Loughrea yesterday as part of a tour of the west of Ireland.

Mr Reid spent Tuesday in Galway as part of a two day visit to the west, which will be followed by more stops in Mayo and Roscommon today.

Yesterday he went to Portiuncula University Hospital in Ballinasloe, speaking with staff from multiple services such as the heart failure programme, and Quality and Safety.

Tuesday’s trip also included visits to Loughrea and Tuam Primary Care Centres, followed by an online meeting with local political representatives.

“Meeting staff and hearing the innovative ways they are working to benefit the lives of patients is a great way for me to get first hand feedback,” Paul Reid said.

He added that it was also an opportunity to thank staff for their work in recent years, praising the performance of frontline staff during COVID.

“Despite the interruption the pandemic caused, staff have progressed development of services that will benefit all.”

“I look forward to visiting many more colleagues and patients in other parts of the country throughout the summer.”

Mr Reid will continue his tour of the west today with visits to Mayo University Hospital, Castlebar Primary Care Centre, Regari Recovery College and Roscommon University Hospital Campus.

The purpose of this trip, which covers the three counties of the HSE Community Healthcare Organisation Area 2, is to see how Enhanced Community Care (ECC) planning is progressing, and to meet the staff working on Sláintecare.