Galway senator raises concerns about plans for new Merlin Park hospital

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Galway Senator Seán Kyne has raised concerns that the new elective hospital at Merlin Park will ‘fall far short of expectations’.

Senator Kyne received proposals from the Department of Health which outline plans on ambulance and outpatient facilities in Galway.

But he said that these present plans fall short of a full-service elective hospital which was presented by some politicians and clinical staff.

The chosen model is for a Selective Day Surgery plus Minor See and Treat, which Senator Kyne says is one step higher than a minor procedures unit and three steps lower than a full elective hospital.

“I have championed a new Emergency Department for Galway and I have always feared that the options appraisal being pursued by Saolta would delay the project,” said the Fine Gael senator.

“Unfortunately, this has happened and now we have fallen between two stools with plans having stalled on both projects which are vital to Galway and the region.  Uncertainty has always been the enemy here.

“We had people arguing against urgent investment in Galway University Hospital in favour of a plan which hasn’t come to fruition.”

Senator Kyne added that the new day surgery planned for Merlin Park does not include any in-patient or overnight beds, ‘never mind the 200 mentioned and promised’.

“We now need to double down on the ED project to ensure it’s delivered as a matter of urgency for the people of Galway.

“As a member of the Oireachtas Health Committee, I have raised this at private meetings of the Committee and asked that a debate on Capital healthcare plans be held as soon as possible.”