Cubbie Sensory Hub donated to Paediatric Unit at UHG

galway daily news
From left: Dr Aisling Lyons, Consultant Paediatrician SI Neurodisability, UHG; Colm Kennelly, Chair, Galway Sick Kids Foundation; Therese Allen, Treasurer, Galway Sick Kids Foundation; Cecily Cassidy, Clinical Nurse Manager 2, Paediatric Unit; and Noírín Burke, Director of Education, Galway Atlantaquaria

The Paediatric Unit at University Hospital Galway has received a donation of a Cubbie Sensory Hub from Galway Sick Kids Foundation with the support of Galway Atlantaquaria.

The Cubbie Sensory Hub was developed by an Irish company with input from Occupational Therapists to create a unique sensory experience for children using it.

The Hub is wheelchair accessible and can be set to calming or alerting visual and sound with different colour themes and light intensity to suit the child’s needs.

Dr Aisling Lyons, Consultant Paediatrician SI Neurodisability said that the sensory Cubbie has been a fantastic addition to the playroom here in UHG.

She said that it is particularly useful for children with developmental needs who may become distressed and upset when visiting our outpatient department for an appointment.

Cecily Cassidy, Clinical Nurse Manager 2, Paediatric Unit at UHG setting the visual and sound theme and light intensity for the Cubbie Sensory Hub.

“After spending time in the Cubbie, the child is more settled and able to have a very meaningful clinical visit without distress or anxiety for the child or their parents,” said Dr Lyons.

“The Cubbie also allows children with additional needs who are admitted to the Paediatric Unit to take a break from the clinical environment.

“These children are much happier and less anxious as a result, particularly those children with significant sensory needs.”