Headford housing development cuts down on number of houses planned

Galway Daily news Planning appeal over 91 houses & apartments in Athenry

A large housing development under construction in Headford is applying to reduce the number of planned homes.

Sathel Ltd has submitted a planning application to cut down the density of a housing development at Gortnamona, Headford to 70 units.

The development adjacent to the existing unfinished Ashtorn Avenue Estate has been in the works since 2004.

Construction work began on “Ashtorn Grove” in May of last year.

It was originally intended for the estate to have 76 houses and a creche, but the design has been revised to have a wider variety of houses less packed together.

In the revised design the completed estate will consist of 14 four-bed, semi-detached houses; 36 three-bed. semi-detached units, and 8 two-bed, semi-detached units.

There will also be 8 three-bed terraced houses, and 4 two-bed terraced units.

The estate will connect to the N84 through the existing Ashtorn Avenue estate.

One submission has been made to the county council concerned by a local concerned about the increase in traffic the new estate will bring.

A decision is due from the county council on whether to grant this application by January.