GRETB awarded over €138k to support youth services

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The Galway-Roscommon Education and Training Board has been allocated €138,877  to support youth services across the two counties.

Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’ Gorman announced €1.72 million in funding for ETBs’ youth services this week.

The funding for GRETB includes €57,866 in grants of less than €5,000, and a further €81,011 for larger scale grants.

“Youth services play a vital role in our communities, providing support and guidance to young people, and empowering them to reach their full potential,” Minister O’Gorman said.

“They have been at the forefront at reaching out to help young people throughout this pandemic, helping to alleviate social isolation, by offering them a space in person or online, to meet with their peers, and process the challenges of Covid-19.”

“I know clubs and services are working hard to improve the well-being of young people, and by providing opportunities for personal development, they are helping young people to achieve better social outcomes and gain a greater understanding of the world around them.”

“I have no doubt this funding will support services to provide real benefits to young people’s lives as they navigate the ongoing challenges brought by Covid-19.”

On top of the grants for services provided by ETBs, the Minister also awarded €564,032.98 in capital grants for 24 national youth organisations.

The grants are meant to support organisations and clubs with upgrade works, the purchase of new equipment, ICT for online service provision, improvements to ventilation, and adaptations to outdoor spaces to facilitate youth services to run outdoor activities.