Green Party leader welcomes plans for directly elected mayor of Galway

Galway Daily news Anti-Far Right public meeting in Galway City this evening
The Green Party Leader Eamon Ryan has welcomed the news that their proposal to have a directly elected Mayor for Galway is due to come to fruition, saying that ‘while it is long overdue, it is welcome’.
“This is an issue that I have brought up in the Dáil on previous occasions and the local party in Galway have been campaigning for. If we want to see real change then the Mayor must be accountable to the people,” said Deputy Eamon Ryan.
Pauline O’Reilly, Green Party candidate for Galway West, added: ” Local Galway decisions must be put in to the hands of our community. We called for a plebecide for Galway on this issue and while we have been critical of the delays we are happy that this has been taken on board.
“A directly elected Mayor would mean that in a time of a housing crisis, the people, and not the sitting councillors would elect their representative, someone who is accountable to them.”