Green light for construction of new Gort National School

Galway Daily news Planning extension grant for Craughwell National School expansion

Galway County Council has approved plans for the construction of a modern new Gort National School, and the demolition of the old school.

The school’s Board of Management has been granted planning permission for the demolition of the existing school building and prefabs on the Tubber Road, Gort.

In its place will be built a new two-storey primary school, with a total floor space of 2,537m² on the site.

This will comprise 12 general classrooms, 2 S.E.N. classrooms, a hall, and ancillary accommodation.

Planning permission was granted for the school development by the county council with a total of 20 conditions attached.

The council ordered the developer to carry out a further road safety audit of the design, and implement any recommendations made in it, with another stage 3 audit to be carried out when construction is completed.

Other works around the site related to the project will include modifications to the main entrance gate at the Tubber Road, and the St. Coleman’s Park entrance.

New footpaths will be built along the Tubber Road, including a zebra crossing, with some road realignment works.

A public submission with the signatures of 13 residents of the neighbouring Ballyhugh housing estate was made to the county council.

The petition asked for there to be no access to the school grounds from their estate.

The new larger school is meant to bring all of Gort National School into a single location, where it is currently spread across two location.