Gort road closure for resurfacing roadworks

Galway Daily news Roadworks to disrupt traffic near Portumna on Tuesday

There will be a one day road closure at Labane near Gort tomorrow in order to allow roadworks to take place.

The road will be closed for th day while Galway county council is having overlay resurfacing roadworks carried out on a stretch of the L4520 at Labane.

“In order to facilitate these works, the section of the L4520 in question will be temporally closed to through traffic between the hours of 7:30am & 7pm on Friday the 10th of May 2019,” a statement from the county council said.

“As a consequence users of this road are requested to expect delays and as such should allow additional time for their journeys.’’

“Galway County Council would like to take this opportunity to apologise for any inconvenience caused by these works’’.

The contract for these works has been given to Lagan Asphalt Ltd.