Global event on squirrels to take place in City!

SQUIRREL event in galway

Fifty-one squirrel researchers will discuss different aspects of squirrel biology at a global event held in NUI Galway next week.

The 8th International Colloquium on Squirrels will run from the 4th – 8th June 2018.

Originally focusing on tree squirrels, the triennial squirrel event was expanded to include flying squirrels at the fourth meeting in Kerala, India in 2006.

This year the event at NUI Galway will also include work on ground squirrels, conducted by scientists in Africa, Europe and America, to broaden the colloquium to include research on the whole Sciuridae family.

Chair of the colloquium, Dr Colin Lawton from Zoology at the Ryan Institute in NUI Galway, said: “Research conducted by wildlife ecologists in NUI Galway and other Irish institutions will be presented at the colloquium.

“This will include the latest on the recovery of the red squirrel in Ireland, thanks to successful conservation projects, afforestation and the impact the pine marten has had on the invasive grey squirrel.

“We are delighted to be hosting this prestigious event, and welcoming colleagues and friends from around the world to Galway.

“It gives us a great opportunity to learn from one another, and to work towards our common goal of conserving this important and fascinating group of animals.”

Fifty one squirrel experts representing fifteen countries will present their work and hold discussion sessions on common themes, along with field excursions to forests in Cong and Moore Hall in Co. Mayo.

The event will take place in the O’Tnuathail Theatre, Arts Millennium Building at NUI Galway.

Places are still available to attend. For registration and full programme details, visit: and visit Facebook @squirrels2018.

Video footage of red squirrels in Derryclare forest, Connemara, Co Galway: