Glenamaddy bog trail approved by county planners

Galway Daily news Planning appeal over 91 houses & apartments in Athenry

Plans to expand and upgrade an existing bog trail near Glennamaddy with a new stretch of trail, a bridge, and more parking space, have been approved.

The bog trail in the Frass/Clooncon bog at Cloonlara South, Glenamaddy currently consists of two large loops which are joined at one point, though the Outer Loop is incomplete.

This development proposes to complete the Outer Loop of the trail by adding a new 350m stretch, and expand the parking facilities for both.

A 150m long floating bog bridge will also be built to connect two points on the Outer Loop of the trail.

“This bog bridge will replace a pre-existing walkway constructed of timber pallets which are decomposing and are not in fitting with the landscape,” the planning application states.

Five new parking spaces will be provide for the trail by expanding the existing set down area for the trail.

Last November 28 the county council asked that a Natura Impact Statement be completed in relation to the proposed car park due to concerns about potential impacts it might have on protected sites.

This NIS was compiled by Oran Ecology and submitted to the council on February 19. An Appropriate Assessment Screening Report was also completed as part of the application.

Planning permission was granted by the county council with a total of six conditions attached.

Among those, an Environmental Manager with appropriate ecological and construction credentials must be appointed for the project to ensure that environmental mitigation measures outlined in the NIS are implemented.

The Department of Culture, Heritage, and the Gaeltacht also stipulated that any archaeological material or artefacts be found during the work, the National Monuments Service must be notified so appropriate advice can be given.