Give essential hygiene gifts to people in need this Christmas with #ItsInTheBag campaign

Galway Daily news Give essential hygiene gifts to people in need this Christmas with #ItsInTheBag campaign

The Hygiene Bank Ireland, the community initiative giving hygiene and personal care products to those in need, has been gathering donations for their Christmas campaign this month, and there is still time to give.

With the #ItsInTheBag campaign, supporters can purchase essential and luxury toiletries and leave them at one of the many drop off points in Galway, so that they can be distributed to local charities.

“We are asking people to help us bring some joy this Christmas to families in need by donating essential and luxury items such as shampoo, body wash, nappies, wipes, shaving cream and toiletry gift sets,” said Úna Reynolds, project coordinator of The Hygiene Bank Galway.

“We will fill and tailor each bag depending on who is receiving it and a Christmas card will be included. It is a heartfelt and practical present for those living through hygiene poverty this Christmas.”

The Hygiene Bank Ireland, which launched in November 2019, has four projects across the country and since its launch has distributed 45,000 hygiene items into local communities through charity links.

The group’s aim is to alleviate the pressure of hygiene poverty felt by many families across the country, when financial struggles mean that food, rent and bills are prioritised over hygiene products.

If you would like to help someone struggling this Christmas you can donate through the link

Or you can donate products themselves to their Drop Off Boxes, or you can host a home collection in your work, school, or among family and friends.

The campaign will be collecting donations in Galway until December 4, after which they will be sorted and distributed to charity partners

In Galway there are drop off points available in Galway City, Tuam, Claregalway and Craughwell. Email for more information, or visit the regional Instagram page @thehygienebankgalway.