Gardaí seize €21,000 worth of cocaine in Galway traffic stop

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Galway gardaí seized €21,000 worth of suspected cocaine and detained two men after a routing traffic stop in Galway City yesterday evening.

The suspected cocaine was recovered by members of the Galway Roads Policing Unit following a traffic stop at approximately 7pm in Bushy Park on Monday.

Gardaí stopped a car with two men inside, the driver, who was in his 30s, and a passenger who was a man in his early 20s.

The passenger got out and fled on foot when gardaí stopped the vehicle, and was seen placing a white package into a gap in a wall.

The package was recovered and is believed to contain roughly €21,000 worth of cocaine, pending further analysis.

The driver of the vehicle was given a roadside test on the back of this, and tested positive for the presence of opiates and cannabis. A further sample has been sent for analysis.

Both men were arrested and detained at the North Western Regional Headquarters under Section 2 of the Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking) Act, 1996.

The man in his 20s has been released without charge, and a file is being prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions.

The man in his 30s remains in custody this morning.

Members of the Galway Drugs Unit conducted a follow up search arising from this matter but nothing was detected.