Young community leaders honoured in Garda Youth Awards

Galway Daily news Garda Youth Awards 2021

Fine young people across Galway who make an effort every day to be a positive part of their community have been honoured at the Garda Youth Awards.

Winners were honoured in four categories at the third annual Youth Awards, which were presented in line with COVID restrictions last month.

Despite restrictions due to the Covid pandemic, there was great interest in this year’s youth awards and a large number of entries were received.

The Community Safety Award went to the ‘Community of Wellness’, or COW group in Connemara, which came together to promote mental health.

The young people running the project brought together multiple local groups in Connemara to help them in this endeavor.

Large numbers of Fridge magnets were produced and distributed, while Zoom forums and other projects were enabled by the group to promote mental health.

The Individual Award winner was Danny Keane, who received his award at Murrough Regional Headquarters for proving an inspiration in his community, by providing entertainment and performing at many events in a very difficult year.

His unselfish work and volunteering turned a negative atmosphere in his community into one of positivity.

The Group Award winners in Tuam were honoured for their “What About Me” project, which produced a booklet for siblings with special needs, providing a tremendous resource to families and groups who are engaged with persons with disability on a daily basis.

The booklet received excellent recognition in the local community and beyond and the proceeds from the sale helped to provide assistance to a local primary school.

And lastly, the Special Achievement Award went to Shane Staunton in Loughrea, a tremendous young man who has encountered many difficulties throughout his life due to medical conditions.

However, this has not prevented Shane from breaking down barriers and meeting his goals. Shane is a leaving certificate student in St. Raphael’s College Loughrea and continually volunteers in his school.

His actions have had a positive impact on staff and students alike, which radiates throughout the whole school.