Galwegians celebrate UN Day of the Elimination of Discrimination

discrimination galway

Galwegians old and new came together last Saturday to celebrate UN day of the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, and to help raise funds for Galway Simon Community and Cope Galway with a group charity walk up Diamond Hill.

Simba Tshoga, an asylum seeker who has been living in Galway for the past two years, wanted to give back to his new local community by both raising awareness and raising funds in support of the current homeless crisis.

The walk was organised with the help of several groups including the Galway Integration Consortium , BRIDGE, AMACH, Galway City Partnership, as well as other asylum seekers living in Galway.

All the groups involved would like to thank everyone who took part and to all those who generously contributed including Bus Éireann and Healthy Galway.