Galway University Hospitals celebrate Research and Awards Day

galway daily news guh awards day
Olive Gallagher Director of Nursing for the Saolta Group Cancer MCAN, presenting Jean James (ANP, NICU), for best overall poster in Nursing, in the absence of Aine Binchy. Also in pic are Prof Anthony O’Regan, Sharon Hynes (CNM1, NICU), and Peter Conneely (Medical Physics).

Staff from Galway University Hospitals have gathered to showcase their academic achievements in research and innovation during the hospital’s Research and Awards Day.

The event included over 120 submissions from staff across all disciplines, including doctors, nurses, midwives and QI.

The event coincides with the end of the doctors’ training year and allows GUH and the Saolta University Health Care Group to celebrate and reward the work of trainee colleagues.

There was a mix of research and clinic case presentations, both oral and poster.

Winners on the day included Dr Catriona Reddan who was awarded the consultant’s medal for the best overall research performed by a registrar in GUH 2022.

She is a geriatric higher speciality trainee and undertook work with her mentor Professor Martin O’Donnell, Dean of CMNMHS, NUI, Galway.

Dr Ellen Walsh was presented with the Professor Ciaran McCarthy Award, and Ms Ciara Dolan, Physiotherapist Clinical Specialist GUH, was presented with the Wil Van Der Putten Award.

Ms Ciara Dolan, respiratory clinical specialist physiotherapist, accepted the award on behalf of a team that demonstrated amazing innovation in developing bespoke equipment for a patient with a laryngectomy requiring CPAP.

Ms Aine Binchey, ANP in Neonatology, was awarded the Director of Nursing and Midwifery Medal, while the QI Award went to Mr Padraig McGettrick SpR ID and his team.

Dr Sean Donohue, an Infectious Disease trainee working in respiratory and general medicine for this year, was awarded the Prof Patrick Finnegan Medal.

The event was organised, facilitated, and coordinated by the Saolta University Health Care Group Academic Office.

“The Research and Awards Day gives our incredible staff the opportunity to showcase and present their academic work,” said Prof Anthony O’Regan, Chief Academic Officer for the Saolta University Health Care Group.

“It also allows Saolta to recognise the research, innovation and quality improvement that is being carried out daily across our hospital site.

“This provides a wonderful platform for engagement and collaboration across the professions.”