Galway University Hospitals and the Saolta welcome progress on major capital projects

Galway Daily news

Galway University Hospitals (GUH) and the Saolta University Health Care Group are pleased to announce further progress in the delivery of the major capital projects planned for GUH.

To manage delivery and timelines for the required infrastructure a formal project board has been established.

The board is now finalising a master plan for the Galway city campus which will enhance the delivery of essential health care services for our population.

The masterplan for GUH encompasses the key priorities for the site; a new ED and Women’s and Children’s block, a new Laboratory, Cancer Centre and bed block on the UHG campus.

It will also oversee plans for the Merlin Park campus including the elective hospital for the region and surgical hub.

A design team, which incorporates architects, engineers, quantity surveyors and energy efficiency experts, has also been appointed and will ensure future capacity needs are central to the phased masterplan, taking account of co-dependencies and reflecting clinical priorities.

A programme manager has also been appointed to oversee the implementation of the hospital masterplan, which will be completed in Q3, 2024.

They will work closely with both internal and external stakeholders to progress the developments.

Chris Kane, hospital manager of GUH said, “The delivery of these major projects will allow us to provide vital services and earlier access to care for our growing population.”

“Separating acute and non-acute services will greatly improve efficiency and ultimately better serve our patients.”

HSE Performance Activity Data shows that GUH remains one of the busiest hospitals in the country with high levels of ED presentations, Day case activity and Outpatient activity. However, the existing facilities are not sufficient to provide long-term sustainability to GUH.

The announcement this week by the Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly of 228 new beds for the hospital will play a significant role in the overall infrastructure plans.

The new beds will be provided in separate phases with GUH set to benefit from 198 beds between 2024 and 2028 with a further 30 coming on stream between 2029 and 2031.

“The UHG campus is complex with significant and growing activity taking place every day. Our infrastructure needs are no small task but they are vital,” said Tony Canavan, Regional Executive Officer HSE West and North West.

“The masterplan will ensure that each project integrates fully and allow maximum service opportunities for patients. It is an investment that will yield a return for the people of the West and North West for the next 50 years,” he added.

The new plan will see all elective, day surgery and ambulatory care move to the MPUH campus while complex acute, oncology and maternity care remains in UHG.

In order to deliver the ambitious plans, work is progressing in decanting some services to the Merlin Park site. Phase One of the Outpatient Department block in MPUH is at an advanced stage and this will be followed by a Phase Two development relocating the majority of outpatient appointments to Merlin Park.

Plans for an elective hospital and surgical hub are also progressing for the MPUH campus with a contractor appointed to progress the surgical hub.

Ann Cosgrove, Interim CEO of the Saolta University Health Care Group also welcomed the Minister’s commitment as a vital first step in the wider plans for the site.

“The commitment to these new beds is hugely welcome and will form a vital part of the overall infrastructure plans for GUH.”

“We look forward to progressing the plans as quickly as possible and in the meantime continue to do everything we can within the existing infrastructure to provide safe and timely care,” she added.