Galway trains running slow due to Storm Jorge


All trains to and from Galway are operating at reduced speed today due to extreme weather conditions brought on by Storm Jorge.

Irish Rail has said that travellers should expect delays on trains in Galway, Westport, and Tralee this afternoon while Storm Jorge continues.

A Status Red warning was in place in Galway up to 3pm this afternoon, with Met Eireann saying that at one point gusts at Mace Head weather station exceeded Status Red conditions.

Though this has now expired, a Status Orange wind warning for Donegal, Galway, Leitrim, Mayo, Sligo and Clare remains in place.

It was issued by Met Eireann shortly before 3pm today, and will remain in effect until midnight tonight.

Galway is also under a status yellow rainfall warning this afternoon, along with the rest of Connacht and Donegal, with accumulations of up to 50mm of rain possible in mountainous areas.

Rain has already caused issues for rail travel in Galway, with bus transfers operating on the Galway-Limerick line between Gort and Athenry for the foreseeable future due to flooding on the line.

Bus Eireann decided to suspend all bus services in Galway for the duration of the red warning today, going on the original hours of 1-4pm given by Met Eireann.

Motorists are also being advised to take care today, as fallen trees have been reported by the county council at locations across Galway.