Galway Tidy Towns groups stay connected online

tidy towns galway daily

Tidy Towns groups across the county are coming together online to stay connected during the COVID-19 emergency.

Williamstown Tidy Towns led the way by starting a Virtual Tidy Towns Facebook group for people in the area to show what they are doing during these challenging times.

While everyone is staying at home, many are still cutting the grass, planting bee-friendly flowers in the garden, feeding the birds, preventing, reducing and segregating their waste and composting.

Williamstown Virtual Tidy Towns is encouraging people to send in a photo or description of what they are doing to share with others in their village and stay connected.

People are also being asked to consider sending a photo, poem, story or picture to their local Tidy Towns group’s Facebook page to share with others.

There are many active Tidy Towns groups in the county with a strong record of supporting their communities, and Galway County Council is encouraging them to stay connected while staying safe and at home following HSE guidance.

Cathaoirleach of the County of Galway, Cllr Jimmy McClearn said: “Anyone can set up a ‘Virtual Tidy Towns Group’ for their area or keep connected using an existing Tidy Towns Facebook page to post photos of what they are doing in their own gardens and homes while staying safe.”

For tips and ideas check out the County of Galway Virtual Tidy Towns Facebook page or email