Gort students win national award for anti-smoking video on cigarette butts

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The Foróige Gort youth service has been congratulated for winning the award for the Best Smoke Free Generation Message at the Irish Cancer Society’s X-HALE prizes.

The youth group’s anti-smoking message was described as ‘timely in view of this week`s report which shows that cigarette butts account for just over half of all litter in Ireland.’

Commenting on the youth service’s award, Minister Ciaran Cannon said: “I wish to commend all involved in the Foróige Gort youth service on receiving this accolade for a very well executed short film on the harmful effects of smoking.

“Completed as part of their participation in the Irish Cancer Society X-HALE Youth Smoking Prevention and Education Programme, their two-minute video entitled ‘It Comes Back to You’ brings home the fact that it takes just one discarded cigarette to contaminate 7.5 litres of water.

“It is also very timely in view of the publication of the 2018 National Litter Pollution Monitoring System Report which notes that cigarette-related litter accounts for almost 55% of all litter in Ireland which having already harmed the smoker`s health, then pollutes the environment.”

X-HALE is an Irish Cancer Society initiative that partners with youth organisations and young people to work towards a tobacco free generation.

This year over 56 youth groups across Ireland made short videos tackling a different area of smoking and how it can plague society.