Galway remains a “friendly and safe” city Gardaí and City Council say


Galway City Council and An Garda Síochána have said that Galway remains a safe and friendly city despite recent high profile incidents.

The two issued a joint statement in response to reports online and in the media regarding a number of violent public order incidents lately.

Nine people have been arrested so far in connection with a violent brawl which took place in the car park outside Galway Shopping Centre last Sunday.

Just prior to this, five people were arrested and charged in connection with a violent public order incident on Williamsgate Street last Friday, September 8.

The joint statement said that the council is in full cooperation with An Garda Síochána to make Galway a safe place to work, live, study and socialise.

It stated that the council’s supports Gardaí role in keeping people safe in our communities through crime prevention, detection and enforcement in accordance with law.

A meeting was held between the City Council and An Garda Síochána this week, organised by Mayor. Cllr Eddie Hoare and interim Chief Executive Patricia Philbin.

The purpose of the meeting was to reinforce cooperation on issues such as social disorder, and maintaining Galway’s reputation as a safe and welcoming city.

Mayor of the City of Galway, Councillor Eddie Hoare commented, “I welcome the confirmation by An Garda Síochána that arrests have been made, and I have full confidence in both An Garda Síochána and our Courts system in dealing with the on-going issues.”

“Galway has an exceptional reputation around the world, and it is important that this reputation is protected. I would ask those involved to exercise calm, to step back, and to take some responsibility for their actions.”

“I look forward to continuing to work with fellow Members and the Executive of Galway City Council, and An Garda Síochána, in ensuring order is restored in our city.”