Galway is “most multicultural” city in Ireland

galway daily artwork

The city of Tribes indeed.

Galway is cited as the “most multicultural” city in Ireland in the latest census figures released today, with 18.6 per cent of its residents recorded as non-Irish.

While Galway had the highest percentage, Dublin City has the highest number of non-nationals (91,876), followed by Fingal (46,909) and Cork County (42,002) .

Leitrim (3,526) and Sligo (5,892) had the lowest.

However, just over 17% of Dublin City residents and one in six of Fingal residents were non-Irish nationals, meaning Galway is officially the most multicultural city in the country.

The figures also show that nearly half of all non-Irish nationals were aged between 25 and 42 years compared with less than a quarter of Irish nationals.

Persons aged 65 years or over accounted for less than 5% of the non-Irish population in sharp contrast to nearly 15% for Irish nationals.  In the younger age groups just 12.3% of non-Irish nationals were aged 0 to 14 years compared with 22.5% of Irish nationals.

Marital Status
Within the non-Irish national population aged 15 and over, 47.9% were married.

At 8.1%, the rate of separation/divorce was higher than that of Irish nationals (5.6%).

When looked at by nationality, over half of French, Italian, Spanish and Brazilians were single.

Indian nationals were the most likely to be married (69.3%), Latvians had the highest separated/divorced rate (15%), while 5.1% of UK nationals were widowed.