Galway medtech company shares designs for 3D printing face shields

Galway Daily news Galway medtech company shares designs for 3D printing face shields

A Galway based medtech company is helping others with 3D printing PPE for frontline workers by sharing their face shield designs.

3D Technology Ltd. (MedScan3D), based at Galway Technology Park, has been 3D printing face shields for healthcare workers at pharmacies, hospices, and other places that aren’t at the top of the priority list here in Galway.

Now, to help others do the same, they’re sharing their design files with the public so any individual, group, or business with a 3D printer can help out in this public health crisis.

As the demand for PPE for frontline healthcare workers continues, 3D Technology Ltd. founder James Wall believes sharing their work with others is the best way to help fight the ongoing Covid-19 crisis.

“Since starting the 3D printing of face shields, we have been continually supplying to healthcare organisations across the country.

“3D Technology Ltd. are encouraging those who wish to print the product to focus on nursing homes, family care clinics and pharmacies and as they do not receive the same supply priority despite being essential services.”

One of the added benefits of the face shields designed by MedScan 3D, sister company to 3D Technology Ltd, is that they have a reusable brim, helping to cut down on waste and deliver PPE faster.

Jacqui O’Connor, Technical Director at MedScan3D, says the reusable face shields have proved even more popular with healthcare professionals.

“We are very fortunate to have access to print a reusable face shield designed by industry leaders Markforged which we print in-house from engineering grade nylon.

“What this means is that health organisations can reuse the brim of the face shield by placing in an autoclave.”

“This significantly reduces waste, while the comfort and usability of the face shield has also been highlighted by our end users.”