Galway – Gort bus service should be reinstated, not privatised

GALWAY daily news bus éireann gort galway

Bus Éireann services between Galway and Gort should be reinstated without being privatised, People Before Profit’s Galway representative has said.

Adrian Curran said that that his bus route, and public transport in general, is a vital public service and should not have to be profitable for the State to provide it.

“Bus Éireann recently cancelled their evening services between Galway city and Gort. The last bus leaving the city for Gort is now at 5.05pm,” said Adrian Curran.

“This bus route, and public transport in general, is a vital public service and therefore it should not be required to be profitable for the State to provide it.

“Instead of cancelling or privatising it, the government should be investing in our public transport system to make it free, frequent and reliable.”

Adrian Curran said that for Fianna Fáil to be calling for the route to be privatised is typical of their ideology which has seen other vital public services in the county shut down when they are not turning a profit for the State.

“These services should be recognised as a public good and receive the support they need from the government to serve people in the area,” he said.

“There was a perfect example of the folly of privatising public transport last year when Galway was hit with the suspension of City Direct, Bus Feda and Citylink’s services when public health restrictions limited capacities on buses.

“It was not seen as profitable enough for private operators to run with limited capacities. This resulted in Knocknacarra being left without public transport for six months. This would not have happened if the service was provided by the State for the public good.”