Galway Gardaí emphasise that domestic abuse services still running

Galway Daily news domestic, sexual and gender-based violence services

Galway Gardaí are pressing home the message that although we may be in lockdown, support services are still available for people trapped in domestic abuse situations.

There have been serious concerns that the lockdown imposed for the Covid-19 crisis is causing an increase in domestic abuse.

Women’s Aid, the national freephone helpline for women trapped in abusive situations, has seen a 40% increase in calls compared with last year.

Over 4,000 calls to the helpline have been answered in the past two months alone, while the website has had more than 72,000 visits, up 74% on 2019.

“Gardai in Galway wish to highlight that many people in an abusive home are probably finding the present lockdown to be extremely difficult,” a post on the Western Region Garda facebook page said.

“But we want to reassure you that support is available by contacting any Garda Station and from Cope Galway Domestic Abuse Service.”

COPE has recently moved its Domestic Abuse service and refuge from Waterside House to Modh Eile, a larger modern facility at Forster Court.

This service runs 24/7, providing advice, counselling, and shelter to women and children who have been trapped in abusive situations.

COPE Galway’s abuse service can be reached on 091-565985, and Women’s Aid 24hr freephone helpline is available at 1800 341 900.

The Still Here campaign, launched as part of the national response to the Covid-19 lockdown, details other supports available for male and female abuse victims at