Galway firefighters take on sponsored sleep-out for Galway Simon

galway daily firefighters simon

Firefighters from Galway Fire and Rescues stations will undertake a 12-hour sponsored sleep out on Thursday 22 March from 7pm to 7am in a bid to show solidarity with those experiencing or at risk of homelessness in our community.

The local firefighters will sleep outside their stations for one night to experience what hundreds experience on a daily basis to raise much-needed funds for local charity Galway Simon Community.

Gordon Monaghan of Galway Fire and Rescue said: In the line of work we’re in, we are lucky enough to work with the people of Galway on a daily basis and we can see first-hand the community spirit that runs through the city and county.

While attending incidents throughout the city and county we’ve witness firsthand a dramatic increase in the homelessness crisis, and how the needs for services like Galway Simon are so prevalent.”

They decided it was time to do something to help those who are struggling in the community.

We are delighted to announce that we are hosting our own Galway Fire and Rescue Sleep Out across stations in the city and county in aid of Galway Simon Community. We are encouraging people to get behind us and support those who turn to Galway Simon for help when they have nowhere else to turn. If you would like to sponsor our sleep out, please visit our Just Giving page,” Gordon added. 

All proceeds raised from the sleep out will go to Galway Simon Community who is currently working with over 280 people experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

Their work focuses on preventing people from becoming homeless as well as supporting those without a home.

If you would like to make a donation to support the Galway Fire and Rescue Sleep Out please visit 

For more information about the sleep out, follow ‘Fire and Rescue Galway’ on Facebook.