Galway City has lowest % of adults living with parents

galway daily news adult living at home in galway

Galway City had the lowest proportion of adults living with their parents in Ireland, new CSO Census data shows.

Nationally the number of adults aged over 18 living with their parents went up by 14% since 2016 to 522,486 on Census Night 2022. Over 61% of 20-to-24-year-olds in Ireland lived with their parents in 2022.

There were more adult males than females living with their parents, particularly among the older age groups.

Approximately 4% of all females living with their parents were unemployed having lost or given up their previous job; the proportion among males was higher at 8%.

South Dublin and Louth continued to have among the highest proportions of adults living with their parents: in South Dublin it was 16% in 2022, up from 15% in 2016, and in Louth it was 15% in 2022, up from 14% in 2016.

Other key findings from the Census data included the number of families with no children seeing an increase of 11% since 2016, and 14% when compared with 2011.

There were 20% more one-parent father families with children who were renting than in Census 2016.

The number of same-sex couples increased by 157% when compared with 2011 and stood at 10,393 in Census 2022.