Galway Centre for Independent Living gets funding for new buses

Galway daily news Galway Centre for Independent Living celebrates 25th anniversary

The Galway Centre for Independent Living will be replacing buses that have come to the end of their lifespan with newly announced funding.

The GCIL was allocated €73,920 to replace their old vehicles with new one with a similar passenger capacity.

GCIL provides professional services, including transportation, to help people with a disability to continue living in their own home, as independently as possible

Minster for Rural & Community Development Michael Ring announced the funding today as one of 52 Social Enterprises receiving a grant from the Dormant Accounts Fund.

The Galway Traveller Movement also benefited from the funding announced today.

They will receive €68,758 to purchase specialist equipment including a Gradeall Multi material baler and a long bed industrial shredding machine to shred mattress springs.

€2 million in funding for different Social Enterprises was announced by Minister Ring today.

A call for applications from local community groups was put out in July.

Over 100 applications were submitted, of which 52 were chosen to receive a grant.

Minister Ring said that social enterprises create jobs, bring social benefits, and breathe life into communities.

“Most importantly, they carry out this work in communities and areas which are most in need, including rural areas which would otherwise struggle to attract mainstream providers in certain sectors.”

The funding for these social enterprise grants was delivered from the Dormant Accounts Fund.

The funding announced today is for improvements to services through buying essential equipment, accessible vehicles and premises refurbishment.”