Galway Cathedral to host 40th Anniversary Mass of Pope John Paul’s visit

Galway Daily news
The Novena at Galway Cathedral.

Galway Cathedral will host a Mass next month to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Pope John Paul’s visit to Galway in 1979.

Pope John Paul II celebrated Mass with a quarter of a million young people at Ballybrit Racecourse on 30 September 1979.

40 years ago in Ballybrit, John Paul II delivered his famous address “Young People of Ireland I love you!”

The Mass on 29th September will give those ‘young people’ a chance to look back on the past forty years and how their lives have changed.

“We are inviting all people who attended that historic event in 1979 to the Commemorative Mass on 29th September,” explained Fr Martin Whelan.

He added that “The mass will also remember people who joined us in 1979 but are no longer with us”.

People who were there are being invited to contact Galway Cathedral to share their memories of Ballybrit 1979.

People are also invited to submit the names of people they would like remembered at the Mass to