Galway Aquarium submits plans for penguin habitat

Galway Daily news Second run at Galway penguin habitat shot down

Galway Atlantaquaria, Ireland’s National Aquarium, has submitted plans for a purpose built penguin habitat.

The aquarium on Seapoint Promenade in Salthill is seeking planning permission from Galway city council for an extension to house this new penguinarium.

The new habitat would consist of a penguin pool and beach area for the marine birds.

An enclosure wall would also be built around the habitat with viewing apertures and seating for visitors.

A portion of the existing interpretive centre at the aquarium would be converted into rooms for quarantine, food preparation and plants.

Other renovations included in the application’s design are the construction of a landscaped amenity area, as well a new entrance plaza with a covered canopy.

Galway Atlantaquaria is Ireland’s largest display of native marine species, with over 70 exhibits of marine life from along the Atlantic coast.

It also holds events with marine groups from Galway and around Ireland to educate people about the ocean and marine conservation.

Submissions from members of the public who wish to have their say on this development can be made to the city council up to January 25.

The council is due to decide whether to grant the aquarium permission for this penguin habitat by February 15.