Galway allocated €9 million for LEADER programme 2023-2027

Galway Daily news Galway allocated €9 million for LEADER programme 2023-2027

Galway has been allocated €9 million in funding from the LEADER programme for the next five years.

Minister for Rural and Community Development Heather Humphreys has confirmed details of the €180 million LEADER Programme for 2023-2027.

The allocation for Galway is the third highest in the country, behind Cork €16.8 million, divided into three sub-districts, and €10.4 million for Donegal.

The LEADER programme provides grants to local community action groups to help support sustainable development in the area.

The selection process for the next five year programme will be conducted over two stages; the first stage is an ‘Expression of Interest’ by eligible groups, followed by a more detailed stage which will see them develop their LEADER strategies.

“The LEADER Programme has been integral to delivering locally-led projects that have brought major benefits to communities across Rural Ireland,” Heather Humphreys said.

“LEADER operates on a ground-up approach and is all about empowering local communities to deliver projects that will revitalise our towns and villages.”

She added that the process for selecting projects will be, “open, transparent and competitive”, and encouraged private and public sector groups to work together.

The Minister announced that interested parties will have until Friday, December 16, 2022 to submit their Expression of Interest.

All groups that are successful in Stage 1 will be provided with funding to assist with the costs associated with developing a Local Development Strategy in Stage 2 of the process.

A fund of €2 million has been ring-fenced for this purpose which will commence in early 2023.

Interested parties can now apply by visiting the department’s website and downloading an application form.

Completed Expressions of Interest forms must be submitted by email only to no later than 5.30pm on Friday December 16.

The Department of Rural and Community Development will host an information webinar for all interested parties on November 10.