Funding to make Galway playgrounds more wheelchair accessible

Galway Daily news Funding to make Galway playgrounds more wheelchair accessible

Galway City and County Councils have been allocated funding for wheelchair accessibility improvements to two playgrounds.

A total of €29,000 has been awarded for improvements to Westside Playground in the city, and Loughrea Playground in the county.

Galway County Council has been allocated €16,633 for a wheelchair accessible roundabout and repairs to existing equipment at Loughrea Playground.

While the City Council has received €12,195 for the installation of a wheelchair sew-saw in the Westside Playground.

This money comes under the Play and Recreation Capital Funding Scheme, which was first introduced in 2013.

A total of €450,000 has been awarded to 29 local authorities under the 2023 scheme announced by Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman.

The scheme offers funding of up to €18,000 for work such as the refurbishment and upgrade of existing play facilities, or the development of new ones.

“I am very happy to support Local Authorities to provide high-quality play areas in their communities that can be enjoyed by all children,” Minister O’Gorman said.

“By investing in safe, accessible and innovative play infrastructure, we are investing in children’s physical and social development and in their wellbeing.”

“I congratulate Local Authorities on their successful projects and look forward to seeing the impact this funding will have across the country.”

Funding for the scheme was capped at €18,000 per project, with the local council required to make a 25% matched funding contribution.