Funding of over €900k approved for Emigrants and Diaspora Centre in Carna

Galway daily news carna ionad emigrant funding

A grant of up to €902,419 will be made available to Údarás na Gaeltachta for further development of the Emigrants and Diaspora Centre in Carna, Conamara.

The works will include an extension to the current building, fitting out an tourist interpretive centre, and developing a Memorial Garden.

This interpretive centre will be focused specifically on Gaeltacht diaspora and will allow members of the diaspora and their descendants to partake in genealogical research.

The project will also include educational opportunities related to local resources in language, culture, music and history, and a self-guided interpretive experience.

Minister Catherine Martin said that this project supports many aspects of the work of her department, such as tourism, culture, art and heritage.

She said it will also add to the infrastructure and long-term future of the Gaeltacht and the Irish language.

“The facilities this funding will support – which will be built with the significant assistance of my department – will strengthen the foundations of the language planning process and the objectives of the government Action Plan for the Irish Language and the 20-Year Strategy for the Irish Language the action plan relates to.”