Funding awarded for 11 library support projects in Galway

Galway daily news Funding awarded for 11 library support projects in Galway

Galway has been awarded €53,205 in funding for eleven library support projects helping immigrant families, people with autism, visual impairments, and more.

Minister Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys this week announced a total of €700,000 for library support programmes.

The funding, under the Dormant Accounts Action Plan, is designed to assist libraries in reaching out to older people, children from disadvantaged communities, people with disabilities and other marginalised groups.

This year, a number of libraries also submitted projects designed to reach out to Ukrainian families who are living in Ireland after fleeing the war.

“The sort of innovative projects that are being funded under this initiative will create a more welcoming and engaging library experience for thousands of people,” Heather Humphreys said.

“They will put our libraries at the forefront of reaching out to all members of the local community in which they serve.”

Minister of State Joe O’Brien added, “The projects are diverse in nature and target a multiplicity of groups including the Traveller community, Ukrainians displaced by war, residents of Direct Provision Centres and the elderly.”

“There is also funding for groups working to provide autism supports, and groups working with hearing and visually impaired communities, prisoners and people with learning differences such as dyslexia.”

“This funding package will build on the excellent projects which have been delivered over the past three years and also help our public libraries to continue to foster community well-being and build community cohesion in their role as community hubs.”

The full list of projects in Galway being funded under the scheme is:

  • Lego Play4All – Play therapy for children with autism or sensory needs – €7,312.50
  • Postcards from the Edge: Intercultural storytelling project – A project that aims to build a sense of community between immigrants and long term residents – €3,060
  • Reading Journeys ASD Book Club – Funding will be used to hire a book club facilitator as a social outlet for adults with ASD – €9,270
  • Code Camp – Coding sessions for disadvantaged communities and Ukrainian refugees – €6,513.75
  • Welcome Notes – Music therapy and supports for adults with intellectual disabilities – €8,437.50
  • Fierce Close – Workshops on critical thinking and climate activism for DEIS schools and early school leavers – €5,904
  • C-PENs – Nine C-PEN scanner readers for the visually impaired, those with disabilities, and people learning English – €2,470.50
  • Wayfinding signage – Additional signage in Galway City Library to help those with dementia or visual impairments – €2,819.88
  • TTRS – Touch, Type, Read & Spell – 1,000 software licences to help students learn pronunciation – €3,483
  • LOTE Licence – One year subscription to Languages Other Than English for translating e-books – €2,475
  • Nessy – One year for 300 licences to literacy support software for to help those with dyslexia, and others.