Funding approved for community centre refurbishment plans

Galway Daily news Galway allocated €9 million for LEADER programme 2023-2027

Good news for the Gaeltacht area as grant funding has been approved to progress refurbishment of a Community Centre in Connemara

Minister of State for the Gaeltacht Jack Chambers announced that a grant of €21,000 has been approved for Coiste Ionad Pobail na Minna.

This grant, which is 80% of the total cost, will enable the group to appoint a consultant for the refurbishment of the Community Centre.

The grant has been approved under the Department’s Community and Language Supports Programme.

Minister Chambers said that the renovation of the community centre will “further enhance” work to encourage Irish under the language planning process in the area.

This will be “ultimately for the benefit of the Gaeltacht and Irish language communities,” the Minister added.