Fulacht Fia Chairde Ghaillimh le Gaeilge basks in the sunshine

Fulacht Fia Chairde Gaillimhe le Gaeilge - Galway Daily

Heatwaves go leor as the sun made a welcome return to Fulacht Fia Chairde Ghaillimh le Gaeilge.

Fulacht Fia Chairde Ghaillimh le Gaeilge saw Cairde and Stiúrthóirí enjoy a wonderful evening of music and food on Friday last June 22nd.

The event which was kindly sponsored by Cairde Ghaillimh le Gaeilge: Joyce’s Supermarkets, Stewart Construction and Sweeney Oil,  took place in the Galmont, Bóthar Loch and tSáille, Galway with a huge thanks being given to the sponsors.

The crowd in attendance on the night were treated to a wonderful atmosphere as they enjoyed the tasty food in the Galmont while being entertained by The Gypsy Jazz Trio.

At the event, Bernadette Mullarkey, Cathaoirleach Ghaillimh le Gaeilge extended a warm ‘céad míle fáilte’ to the newly elected Mayor of the City of Galway, Cllr. Niall McNelis. She also thanked all of the funding organisations who have supported Gaillimh le Gaeilge over the years.

Gaillimh le Gaeilge’s main support comes from the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, through the National Lottery.They are also supported by Galway City Council and Cairde Ghaillimh le Gaeilge through the Galway Chamber.

This support is essential for the organisation to maintain their various bilingual services and practical supports for those who wish to use the Irish language in their daily businesses and organisations in Galway City.

Cathaoirleach Ghaillimh le Gaeilge also thanked the media for their support chun ‘scéal’ Ghaillimh le Gaeilge a choinneáil i lár an aonaigh and praised the businesses who bring the Irish language to life in the city.

“Tá obair dhátheangach den scoth ar bun agaibh sa chathair agus tréaslaím libh as sin.

“The work that you are doing is creating a fantastic synergy in the city, which makes Galway unique and different. This will be vital in 2020 when we will be the European Capital of Culture.”

Gaillimh le Gaeilge would like to thank everyone that attended and would like to say a special ‘míle buíochas’ to the sponsors of the Fulacht Fia. Buíochas to all of the staff at the Galmont, who provided fabulous food and especially to Colm who provided an excellent ‘Seirbhís trí Ghaeilge’! They also kindly sponsored ‘Deoch an tSamhraidh’ for all of the Cairde.

Among Cairde Ghaillimh le Gaeilge in attendance were: David Hickey, President of Galway Chamber, Alan Esslemont, Ardstiúrthóir TG4, an Dr Aodhán Mac Cormaic, Stiúrthóir na Gaeilge, Emma Dillon-Leetch from the Connacht Hotel(Gradam 2018 winner), Éamon Ó Cuív TD, Galway City Councillors; Cllr Dónal Lyons, Cllr. Pádraig Conneely, Cllr Terry O’ Flatherty, as well as Declan Varley Group Editor of the Galway Advertiser and Bernadette Prendergast, Galway Bay FM.

The Fulacht Fia offically concludes Gaillimh le Gaeilge’s social/networking events until September and provides the organisation with an opportunity to say a ‘míle buíochas’ to all their ‘Cairde’ and to all those who have supported the organisation over the past year.

Don’t forget that Gaillimh le Gaeilge is available to assist you to incorporate the Irish language into your business FREE OF CHARGE. For more information contact eolas@gleg.ie or 091 568876