Fresh planning application for new Clifden playschool

Galway Daily news Fresh planning application for new Clifden playschool

A fresh planning application has been submitted to the county council for a new playschool in Clifden.

Clifden Community Play-School Ltd is seeking approval for a prefabricated playschool on the grounds of Scoil Mhuire NS.

Clifden Community Playschool has operated from the Old Boys School in Clifden since 1992, but has since outgrown those premises, a cover letter for the planning application states.

The move to a new purpose built facility on the grounds of Scoil Mhuire would allow them to increase the number of spaces available for children from 18 at present, to 44 when finished.

It would also allow the playschool to operate a Breakfast Club each morning at 7:45am, as well as afterschool services for Scoil Mhuire pupils.

The county council had previously refused planning for a playschool at this location last April, citing concerns Open Space Recreation and Amenity zoning of the site, and that it would intensify the current car-parking arrangements.

The cover letter for this application states that building has been moved closer to the existing Scoil Mhuire premises, and changes have been made to provide safer drop-off and pick-up arrangements to address these concerns.

The project has always had strong support from the local community, with 13 letters of support from local and regional groups submitted to the county council.

Connemara Chamber of Commerce said that “the economic future of Connemara is dependent on families establishing roots in the area and making it an attractive place for newcomers to consider moving to”.

The Galway Childcare Committee’s letter stated that allowing this playschool on the grounds of Scoil Mhuire will, “reap ongoing benefits in terms of continuity of relationships for families, will ease transitions for children between settings, and will enable the creation of more places for families to avail of

The Racecourse Lawns Residents Association said that over half of their homeowners are families with school aged children who would benefit from this development.

“The proposed plans for the new community playschool offer an exciting and much needed opportunity to provide a modern early years childcare facility plus wrap around services for school aged children in Clifden and surrounding areas.”

The Board of Management of Scoil Mhuire said that the school “fully supports” the application by the Community Playschool to move onto their grounds.

Forum Connemara, a local development company aimed at tackling rural decline, wrote that they “wholeheartedly endorse” the planning application.

“This project will allow Clifden Community Playschool to broaden their support services to families with small children by facilitating parents in their working lives and giving access to Early Years Education for their students.”

Other letters were also received from the Archdiocese of Tuam, Children’s Disability Network Team in Spiddal, Clifden Town Hall, and more.

A decision on this planning application is due from Galway County Council by August 8 of this year.