Flooding disrupts Galway-Limerick train services

Galway daily news flooding disrupts Galway Limerick train services

The flooding throughout Galway is affecting more than just motorists now, trains between Galway and Limerick are also being affected.

Due to flooding on the line at Kiltartin which is expected to get worse, two early Galway-Limerick train services will be using bus transfers on Tuesday.

As water levels at Kiltartin are expected to rise tonight, Irish Rail has said the 5:55am Limerick/Galway and 6:15am Galway/Limerick services will operate as bus transfers.

A decision on second services in the morning will be made tomorrow Irish Rail stated.

This follows on from disruption to rail travel between Galway and Heuston today, where flooding on the line has seen evening services operating with a 30 minute delay.