Five main road cycle lanes planned for Galway City East

Galway Daily news Walking & Cycling takes 29,000 cars of Galway's roads each day

Five main roads on the east side of Galway City are due to have cycles lanes created under Stage 1 of the Cycle Network part of the city Transportation Plan.

The proposed cycle lanes were discussed at a recent meeting of Galway City Council, much if which was spent addressing the city’s transportation needs.

The proposed cycling routes will be on the Doughiska Road, Ballyloughane Road, Ballybane Road, Monivea Road, and Castlepark Road.

Social Democrats Councillor Owen Hanley said that more detail will be forthcoming about how they will be delivered, but that he will be arguing for segregated lanes.

Regardless, councillor Hanley said the plans will “massively improve cycling in the area.”

“In our discussion I emphasised the need for consultation with public and the Council will be running a workshop in November where all are free to come in an talk about the city’s transportation plans”.

The routes of the proposed cycles lanes can be seen in the map below which was presented to the city council at the meeting.

According to the plans shown to the council the next stage of the process is to consider different concepts and options in the last quarter of this year.

It will then go to the preliminary design and statutory process in 2020 before construction in 2021, subject to statutory approval.