Fishing within 5km of a person’s home now permitted

galway daily news fishing covid-19 restrictions

Fishing within 5 km of a person’s home is now permitted after some restrictions brought in to tackle COVID-19 were relaxed.

The updated guidelines state that social distancing must still be observed at all times, and contact with other anglers should be limited.

Minister Ciaran Cannon welcomed the confirmation from Inland Fisheries Ireland, and said that fishing contributes greatly to the economy and people’s wellbeing.

Inland Fisheries Ireland has said that IFI owned or managed state fisheries are open with the exception of the Galway and Moy fisheries.

ESB fisheries are now also open and the status of private and club run fisheries is a matter for the relevant fishery manager or committee.

Minister Cannon added that anglers should also carry hand sanitiser and use it after touching stiles, gates, piers and so forth.

From the start of the crisis, he said that people have come to him arguing for wider scope for the activity and acknowledged their adherence to the advice issued by the HSE.

“Fishing is an exercise that contributes greatly to the economy and to a person’s health and wellbeing and I urge the county’s anglers to continue to consult IFI’s website for further updates,” he said.